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‘COVID, cancer or both’: Another ‘journalist’ previously associated with TOI, DNA found wishing death upon the Home Minister

After AAP supporter Vijayalakshmi Nadar, another 'journalist' Lekha Menon found wishing disease and death upon Home Minister Amit Shah.

Soon after the AAP supporter and NRI ‘journalist’ Vijayalakshmi Nadar, the Bureau Chief of ‘The India Observer’, took to Facebook to wish death upon Home Minister Amit Shah, another ‘journalist’ Lekha Menon was seen wishing the that HM Shah dies of “COVID, cancer or both”.

As per her Facebook profile, Lekha Menon was previously associated with media houses like Times of India, DNA and Mumbai Mirror, currently working as the editor for a Dubai based publication, Masala! Magazine, ITP Media Group.

Twitter user Priya Kulkarni shared a screenshot of Menon’s conversation with one Muhammad Afroz Khan and a few others, where she wrote: “And what is the diseases? Covid, cancer or both. If its tadipar hope its both.

Spewing further venom against the Home Minister, Lekha had continued. When a person named Muhammad Afroz Khan shared that though he never wishes it for anyone, ‘some people just earn it’, Lekha replied further, “Same here. Don’t believe in Gandhi’s principle of turning the other cheek when it comes to certain people”.

Lekha Menon’s chat with one Muhammad Afroz Khan

After the backlash, Lekha Menon has probably deleted her post but in most likeliness, her post was in the replies to the viral Facebook post of Vijayalakshmi Nadar, which was posted earlier in the day.

Nadar too deletes her post but accepts writing against Home Minister

The NRI ‘journalist’ Vijayalakshmi Nadar has also deleted her yesterday’s post where she wished death upon the Home Minister, however in another subsequent post on her timeline today, she accepts writing against and wishing ill for Home Minister Amit Shah.

NRI ‘journalist’ wishes cancer and death upon Home Minister Amit Shah

Yesterday, in a viral Facebook post, Vijayalakshmi Nadar, the Bureau Chief of ‘The India Observer’ which claims to be a US-based e-paper that caters to the NRI community, could be seen wishing death to Union Home Minister Amit Shah.

In a Facebook post, Nadar stated that the lipoma surgery undergone by Shah has transformed into a “full-blower cancer.” She further hoped that the alleged ‘prediction by astrologers’ that his ill health condition will continue till October ‘ends conclusively’.

Spewing inner vitriol against the Union Home Minister, Nadar further wished “hastened” death to Shah and added that his demise ought to be “celebrated in the larger interest of humanity.”

TOI Journo wants PM Modi and HM Shah Coronavirus +ve

Last month, Samiya Latief, a Kashmiri ‘journalist’ working with Times of India, wished that Prime Minister Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah be tested positive for the deadly coronavirus which has infected more than 3.9 million people across the world.

Latief, who claims to be an Assistant Editor at Times of India, took to micro-blogging site to share a news report that stated that Congress MLA Imran Khedawala had tested positive for coronavirus just hours after he had met Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani. Taking a dig at the incident, Latief wondered whether Khedawala met PM Modi or HM Shah, thereby implying that they should also meet a coronavirus positive patient who could infect them with the deadly contagion.

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