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HomeNews ReportsKarnataka: Radical Islamist graffiti, calling for beheading for insulting Prophet Muhammad, appears in Mangaluru

Karnataka: Radical Islamist graffiti, calling for beheading for insulting Prophet Muhammad, appears in Mangaluru

The threatening graffiti comes just days after another graffiti in Mangaluru hailed Pakistan-based terror organisation Lashkar-e-Taiba.

Three days after a graffiti in Mangaluru hailed radical Islamist terror outfits such as Lashkar-e-Taiba and Taliban, another disturbing graffiti was spotted in the city on Sunday. The inscription was found outside an old police outpost in the court premises in Mangaluru, Karnataka.

Gustak-e-Rasool ki ek hi saza, sar tan say juda (The only punishment for insulting Prophet Muhammad is beheading of the one accused of blasphemy),” the graffiti read. Although it is believed to have been written on Saturday, the graffiti was spotted only on Sunday morning.

The graffiti is a reminder of the dangerous ideology and the intolerant mindset that led to the beheading of a 47-year-old teacher named Samuel Paty by an 18-year-old radical Islamist named Abdoullakh Abouyezidovitch A in the Paris suburb of Conflans-Sainte-Honorine for showcasing ‘objectionable’ cartoons of Prophet Mohammed to his students at College du Bois d’Aulne.

As per reports, police has launched an investigation into the matter. CCTV cameras in locality are being checked to get clues on who could be behind such threatening graffiti.

‘Lashkar Zindabad’: Islamist graffiti surfaces in Mangaluru

In a shocking incident, on the anniversary of the ghastly terror attacks in 2008, Mangaluru saw graffiti threatening to take Lashkar-e-Taiba and Taliban’s help to eliminate ‘Sanghis’ and ‘Manuvadis’. The graffiti says, “Do not force us to invite Lashkar-e-Taiba and Taliban to Deal with Sanghis and Manvedis (Manuvadis)”. Further, in the corner, a hashtag is painted with the words “Lashkar Zindabad”.

According to the police, the graffiti was noticed in the wee hours of 27th November morning. Speaking to OpIndia, the police said, that the graffiti was drawn on the wall of an apartment at Circuit Road, Mangaluru. Kadri police have registered a case and have launched an investigation based on CCTV footage. Further, the police also said that the graffiti has now been covered up.

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