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HomeOpinionsDear Twinkle Khanna, evidence suggests the ones slaughtering cows are the ones unleashing violence

Dear Twinkle Khanna, evidence suggests the ones slaughtering cows are the ones unleashing violence

Narcissists that they are, they just wish to feel good about themselves without performing the actions necessary to deserve to feel that way. If they have to fuel conflict within the country, spread communal tensions and anarchy, it's only a small price to pay for such narcissists.

Twinkle Khanna, the wife of Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar, demonstrated once again why people are sick of Bollywood actors who try to be too ‘woke’. In the aftermath of the violence at JNU on Sunday, Twinkle claimed that cows in the country ‘seem to receive’ more protection than students. In all fairness, her IQ ‘seems to be’ on the same level as Alia Bhat’s and Rahul Gandhi’s.

All the evidence points towards the fact that violence was unleashed at JNU by leftist goons who wanted to hold the University to ransom. Despite that, Twinkle Khanna, in order to secure her brand as a ‘woke’ celebrity, chose to make a stupid remark about cows in order to boost her ego. Such sermons could not be found when anti-Hindu bigotry was rampant in the anti-CAA protests. Now that the propaganda of the Liberal Establishment hs provided her with the necessary ammunition to prove her ‘woke’ credentials, Twinkle Khanna has suddenly found her voice.

Read: Bollywood entertainers come together in support of JNU students after leftist goons unleashed violence on them

As it turns out, her insinuation that the BJP is responsible for the violence across Universities is a lie of the highest order. Even in JNU, the administration has issued a statement where they have said clearly that the violence was perpetrated by those who wished to stop the registration process for the new semester and the violent agitators were leftists. The ABVP’s version of events where they accused the Leftists of committing violence was consistent with the official statement of the administration as well. Thus, Twinkle Khanna is indulging in victim-blaming here. She is blaming the victim for the atrocities they had to endure.

The JNU administration issued a statement over the matter in the aftermath of the violence. The statement said that at 4.30 pm on Sunday, the agitating students had moved from the admin block to hostel rooms attacking students who had supported the registration process. Even though police were informed, by the time police reached, several students and security staff at the hostels were reportedly badly injured in the assault by the violent protestors.

Read: The Battle from CAA to JNU: Khilafat 2.0, Communist Fantasies, Petty Politics and the conspiracy of Hong Kong-style protests

The statement added that masked miscreants had entered the Periyar hostel and had attacked students and security staff with sticks and rods. Some groups of students had also vandalised the admin block and ransacked the VC’s office in the past few weeks. The university has filed police complaints after the incidents. The administration’s version of events was also confirmed by an officer of the Bihar Public Service Commission who is currently studying at the University.

Furthermore, the screenshot of the newspaper she shared speaks of the Aligarh Muslim University as well. Even there, the Uttar Pradesh Police has provided an overwhelming amount of evidence which proves conclusively that the students of the university were engaged in antisocial activities during the protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act. It appears that Twinkle Khanna has deliberately decided to close her eyes to the evidence. There is no cure for people who pretend to be blind.

Read: Anti-CAA riots: UP police books 12 rioters under Goonda act for violence in AMU, name of students’ union president included in FIR

She says, “You can’t oppress people with violence-there will be more protests,more strikes,more people on the street.” No one is oppressing anyone here. The people voted for a particular political party and the elected government is delivering on the promises made in the manifesto. Electoral defeat is not oppression. And snowflakes aren’t revolutionaries.

The biggest irony in Twinkle Khanna’s tweet is the fact the violence was most likely orchestrated by those who cry fascism when attempts are made to curb the menace of cattle smuggling. The same people who cry hoarse when illegal abattoirs are shut down are the ones indulging in violence across the country.

Thus, the people who are supportive of the illegal slaughter of cows are the ones who have unleashed anarchy across the country. These are the same people who advocate the slaughter of an innocent animal and consuming its meat to prove a political point. Thus, for Twinkle Khanna to bring in cows in this particular issue is the hallmark of the stupidity that permeates through the very fabric of the Bollywood industry.

Read: Mewat: Hotbed of organised crime, cattle smuggling, illegal Rohingyas and mob violence against Police

The former Bollywood actress is perfectly aware that what she said about cows receiving more protection than students simply isn’t true. She knows that she was engaging in massive hyperbole. But she did so because her intention was to target the BJP, which is the only political party seen as a Hindu party. Hindus worship the sacred cow as a mother and it is rather unfortunate that entertainers make it a point to hurt Hindu sentiments in order to make political statements.

If the intention was to criticize the BJP, Twinkle Khanna could have gone ahead and pointed her fingers directly at the party. But entertainers appear to have a sick fetish for deliberately indulging in rhetoric that involves the religious sentiments of Hindus. The BJP and the ABVP could have been blamed for the JNU violence anyway, but for some good reason known only to celebrities, cows have to be dragged into the argument somehow.

It is a joke that became stale at least three years ago. It reached its crowning glory when the standup comic industry made a series of images with girls wearing cow masks with captions that said cows were safer in the country than women. The joke was as stupid then as it is now. The only purpose those images served was making the ones wearing them appear cute for a while.

Read: From Pulwama terrorist Ahmed Dar to Maoists who killed BJP MLA: Here is how they speak the same language as ‘Liberals’ demonising Hindus and RSS

Just for the record, a sane individual would wish that cows receive as much protection in the country as students for the sake of communal harmony. A great amount of social strife is spread by the illegal slaughter of cows and cattle smuggling. A sane individual, instead of trivializing the matter, would seek proper protection of cows so that the religious sentiments of Hindus are protected and unnecessary communal conflict is avoided.

But such sane opinions are too much to expect from people who belong to the entertainment industry. Narcissists that they are, they just wish to feel good about themselves without performing the actions necessary to deserve to feel that way. If they have to fuel conflict within the country, spread communal tensions and anarchy, it’s only a small price to pay for such narcissists.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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