In a shocking incident that unfolded on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, a 46-year-old man identified as Mujeeb Rahman resorted to extreme measures after discovering that he had been excluded from the Kerala government’s free housing scheme, Life Mission, in the current quota. Frustrated by the news, Mujeeb Rahman took drastic action by setting the Keezhattur panchayat office on fire, causing significant damage to the premises. The entire incident was captured on camera, highlighting the severity of his actions.
The distressing video footage shows Mujeeb Rahman dousing the panchayat office with petrol, deliberately targeting the files, computers, and furniture within the premises. With a matchbox in hand, he proceeded to ignite the inflammable liquid, engulfing the office in flames. Seeking an escape from the dire consequences of his actions, Mujeeb Rahman locked himself in the bathroom and attempted to end his own life by slashing his wrist.
Upon receiving information about the incident, police promptly arrived at the scene, apprehending Mujeeb Rahman and subsequently transporting him to a nearby hospital for medical attention due to a minor injury. The Melattur Police Station has registered a case against him, holding him accountable for his destructive behaviour. Unfortunately, the fire caused irreparable damage, resulting in the loss of crucial documents and equipment estimated to be worth over 25 lakhs.
Expressing profound shock and dismay, Jameela Chaliyathodi, the president of Keezhattur Gram Panchayat, lamented the irreversible harm inflicted upon the Panchayat Office by Mujeeb Rahman.
“Our office, equipped with 22 computers, has suffered a significant loss. According to the fire services, at least 16 computers have been completely destroyed, along with invaluable documents,” stated a female representative from IUML, highlighting the severity of the damage caused. She further revealed that Mujeeb Rahman had been given a thorough explanation by the ward member of the panchayat regarding his exclusion from the Life Mission list.
Jameela explained, “In order to prepare the Life Mission project list, the panchayat must consider multiple factors and prioritize individuals such as widows, patients with incurable illnesses, and those with disabilities.” Consequently, Mujeeb Rahman’s name had been listed at number 104, rendering him ineligible for immediate assistance.
Disheartened by this revelation, Mujeeb Rahman reacted angrily, resorting to derogatory language against several panchayat members. Jameela added, “Mujeeb Rahman would have been included in the subsequent list set to be sanctioned in six months.”