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Punjab: BJP candidate from Ludhiana attacked ahead of PM Modi’s rally in Jalandhar


A Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate for the Punjab Assembly elections was attacked while campaigning in Ludhiana. Reportedly, Sucha Ram Laddhar, the candidate from the Gill seat in the Ludhiana district, was hurt and brought to the Ludhiana civil hospital.

As per reports, bricks were hurled at Laddhar’s vehicle due to which Laddhar sustained injuries. His car was also damaged in the incident.

According to Jatin, the personal assistant of the BJP candidate, they were returning from Kheri village in Ludhiana, Punjab, when several people began sloganeering, stopped their car, and attacked them. “We had gone for a meeting in Kheri village. Some people came and raised slogans against our party. When we were returning, they stopped our car and attacked us,” he stated.

“We learned that he was attacked by unknown people while canvassing”, said HS Chhetra, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP), Central region. He informed that the police will take his statement and conduct an investigation in the matter.

Image: ANI

Mr. Laddhar, a 63-year-old retired bureaucrat, is running for the Gill Assembly constituency in Ludhiana in the 2022 Punjab assembly elections. Earlier on February 13, he had joined an election rally in Ludhiana headed by Union Home Minister Amit Shah.

Notably, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to visit Jalandhar today for an election rally. He is visiting Punjab for the first time since his security breach in Ferozepur. The Prime Minister will visit Jalandhar on February 14, Pathankot on February 16, and Abohar on February 17. On February 9, the Prime Minister had addressed virtual rallies in the districts of Ludhiana and Fatehgarh Sahib.

As reported in the media, several farmer unions are again planning to protest against PM Modi during his rally. “We will hold protests on all the roads leading to rally sites in all these districts and show his cavalcade black flags,” said Sukhdev Singh Kokrikalan, general secretary of BKU-Ugrahan has told to the Indian Express.

Jamaat-e-Islami women in Pakistan extend support to hijab girls in Karnataka, equate uniform dress code to ‘extremism’

Amidst the ongoing controversy over the refusal of permission to some female Muslim students to wear hijab in the classrooms of a Pre-University College (PUC) in Udupi in Karnataka, Islamist outfit Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) has taken out a protest march in support of the Islamic attire in the Karachi city of Pakistan.

On Thursday (February 10), 100s of Pakistani women, who are associated with Jamaat-e-Islami, rallied in support of the ‘right to wear hijab in schools’ of India. They held placards that read, “Hijab is our right”, “Modi Stop Terrorism” and “Why is the world silent on this extremism?”

A Muslim news site, 5 Pillars, tweeted, “The Pakistani political party Jamaat e Islami have held a protest in Karachi against the recent hijab ban in some educational institutions in the state of Karnataka in India. #HijabRow.”

“We salute the courage and bravery of our Muslim daughter Muskan Khan. She chanted the slogan of ‘Allahu Akbar’. She declared that Muslims would not allow our values to be infringed under any circumstances,” remarked a JeI protestor. Khan is a student of PES College of Arts, Science and Commerce in Mandya in Karnataka. She came to the limelight after an obviously staged video of her yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’ in a burqa was made viral, calling it ‘brave’.

Another niqab-clad female protestor said, “We demand from the government of India, which has a secular constitution to allow Muslim citizens, women and girls, to live according to their culture and values.” One Jamaat-e-Islami agitator drew false equivalences with the Hindu way of life to claim that girls should be allowed to wear hijab in schools.

Besides protests in Karachi, Islamists also burnt the effigy of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Lahore city and demanded that Muslim girls be allowed to wear hijab to schools.

It is notable here that this support for Islamic outfits has come amid multiple incidents of atrocities against the minority Hindus in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in the last few weeks. Recently, a Hindu school teacher named Notan Lal was sentenced to 25 years in jail over false allegations of ‘blasphemy’. Sadly, no Muslims in Pakistan have held protests against the court ruling and the daily occurrence of atrocities against Hindus and Christians in the Muslim-dominated country.

Karnataka Hijab row: The background of the case

The controversy began on January 1 this year when some female Muslim students of a Pre-University College (PUC) in Udupi tried to enter their classes with hijabs, in defiance of the uniform dress code. The school had asked them to follow the dress code and had prevented their entry in the classrooms with hijabs.

According to Karnataka’s Education Minister BC Nagesh, uniforms had been in existence in the said government PUC since 1985. He had informed that there has never been an issue to date.

“Uniform in the college has been there since 1985. Till now, no problem was there. Uniformity creates a common mind. Kesari shawls are not allowed in college either. The same Muslim girls have been ok with the uniform dress code till recently. They have been suddenly provoked,” he had remarked.

The girls then launched a protest outside their classrooms for several days to allow them entry with their hijabs on. They then moved the High Court and the Supreme Court for grievance redressal. Meanwhile, Hindu students launched a counter-protest sporting saffron shawls and demanded uniformity in school attire.

Pulwama terror attack: The ominous portents that mainstreaming of ‘gau mutra’ jibes hold

14 February 2022 marks the day of the third anniversary of the cowardly Pulwama terror attack when 40 soldiers were killed after a suicide bomber rammed an IED-laden vehicle into the CRPF convoy carrying them. Pakistan-based terror out Jaish-e-Muhammad claimed responsibility for the attack.

The terror attack took place on 14 February 2019 in the Pulwama district of Jammu and Kashmir when a CRPF convoy of 78 buses, carrying more than 2,500 personnel, was travelling from Jammu to Srinagar, many of them returning from leave to rejoin duty in the Valley. A 22-year-old suicide bomber Adil Ahmad Dar, a Jaish-e-Muhammad terrorist, crashed an explosive-laden vehicle into one of the buses in convoy, killing 40 soldiers.

Tellingly, the Jaish-e-Muhammad terrorist even shot a video of himself justifying his act before carrying out the suicide attack against CRPF personnel. In the video released following the attack, Adil Ahmad Dhar referred to Indians as “Gaay ka Peshab Peene Wale(People who drink cow urine)”. Boasting about the terror attacks carried out by Jaish-e-Muhammad, Adil said those who committed such acts got Hoors in the afterlife and insisted that he would be in heaven by the time this video is released to the public. 

On the third anniversary of the gruesome Pulwama terror attack, it is worth dwelling how the language used by the Jaish-e-Muhammad terrorist continues to animate the public discourse, thanks to co-option by left-leaning liberals. 

For years now, Islamists and terrorists have often referred to Hindus as ‘cow urine drinkers’ or used ‘gau mutra’ jibes to derisively mock and insult them. However, the Pulwama terrorist attack was a watershed moment, given that the attack led to the death of 40 CRPF soldiers and a video released in its aftermath saw the terrorist responsible for the ghastly attack spewing venom against Hindus and who sought to justify this hate by derogatorily referring to Hindus as ‘cow urine’ drinkers. 

If anything, the appalling stereotyping of Hindus by an Islamic terrorist who killed 40 Indian soldiers should have discouraged left-liberals from using ‘gau mutra’ jibe. But its usage increased significantly as the gau mutra barbs entered into the common parlance of the left-leaning liberal intelligentsia, members of which feel no qualms to ape terrorists in mocking and insulting Hindus. 

Politicians, Journalists, Writers, media organisations partake in normalising the use of ‘gau mutra’ jibes

A raft of liberals has been using ‘gau mutra’ jibes as a means to demean Hindus and belittle concerns raised by them. Not just intellectuals, whose ideology converges with that of Islamists, but more shockingly, even Members of Parliament and leaders of political parties show no remorse in ridiculing Hindus or those who are perceived to champion the rights of Hindus with gau mutra barbs.

Recently, TMC MP Mahua Moitra, a toast of the liberal firmament, unapologetically used ‘gau mutra’ jibe in her tweet to attack the BJP government. Warning BJP about her upcoming speech in the parliament, Moitra asked the members of the saffron party to drink ‘gau mutra’ shots to prepare themselves for her Lok Sabha address.

However, this was not the first time that Mahua was exposed for her contempt towards Hindus even before. She is known for frequently using ‘gau mutra’ swipe to take a dig at her opponents, even though Islamic terrorists routinely use it against their Hindu victims. Last year, she kicked up a controversy by calling India the ‘Susu Potty Republic’. Then too, she had used the cow urine jibe to attack the central government, which the opposition parties, including the TMC, accuse of favouring Hindus.

A day after Mahua’s recent tweet, DMK MP Senthilkumar went a step ahead and made the ‘gau mutra’ jibe on the floor of the Parliament. In his speech on the Motion of Thanks to the President, the leader said if the Centre wants to implement the National Education Policy, it should do it in their ‘gau mutra’ states. The ‘gau mutra’ states referred to states ruled by the BJP. For a country with almost 80 per cent of its population being Hindu, having one of its legislators using the Hindumisic language was incredibly appalling, more so because they came in the house of democracy.

Besides politicians, journalists and left-leaning ‘intellectuals’ too have felt no compunction in stereotyping Hindus as ‘cow unrine’ drinkers by using the language of Islamic terrorists. Saurabh Shukla, a journalist with NDTV, a news organisation known for its anti-Hindu inclinations, toed the line of Pulwama terrorists to mock the Uttar Pradesh government and hurt the sentiments of Hindus. In a conversation on Twitter, Shukla made a gau mutra’ jibe to mock the Uttar Pradesh government and hurt the sentiments of Hindus. 

So did writer Ravinder Singh during his conversation with the Wire journalist Rohini Singh who is currently doubling as Samajwadi Party cheerleader amidst the ongoing assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh. Mocking coronavirus vaccine at a time when the pandemic was spreading its ugly and menacing claws, Ravinder wondered why Indians needed vaccines when we have ‘gau mutra’. 

And not just individuals, but even media organisations have had their share of purveying anti-Hindu hatred. For a long time, leftist online rag The Quint whitewashed the nefarious crimes of terrorists, but last year it transitioned to emulating them when it spoke the language of terrorists by making a ‘gau mutra’ jibe. On 15 August 2021, it published a cartoon in which a few men were portrayed as hankering after ‘gau mutra’ as they waited beside a cow for her urine. 

The uncanny similarity between mainstreaming of ‘gau mutra’ jibes and the “hooked nose” stereotype of the Jews

This shameful mainstreaming of ‘gau mutra’ jibes for Hindus holds uncanny similarity with the “hooked nose” stereotype that Jews were subjected to in the 12th-13th century but its damaging consequences became apparent only in the early part of the 20th century, when supporters of Hitler used those archaic typecasts to inflame public sentiments against the Jews. 

In the late 1930s, as Hitler was consolidating his hold in Germany, his Nazi associates were busy amping up hatred against Jews. One of the powerful means they employed to demonise Jews was caricaturing them with grotesque features, especially with large nose so as to stir up a sense of disgust and revulsion against them. This hostile stereotyping whipped up antisemitic sentiments among the masses and undeniably contributed to their alienation and subsequent atrocities perpetrated against them.

Something akin to what preceded the Holocaust in Germany is currently underway in India where anti-Hindu bigotry has reached such frightening levels that journalists, self-described intellectuals, and even news organisations do not flinch from using the language of the Pulwama terrorist. ‘Gau Mutra’ barbs are routinely thrown around not only to mock the BJP but also to burnish one’s ‘secular’ credentials. 

Stereotyping of Hindus as ‘cow urine’ drinkers speaks to nefarious designs of establishing Islamic hegemony in India

The apathy and lack of concern among people to the mainstreaming of ‘gau mutra’ jibes holds ominous portent for the Hindus, who are already maligned as intolerant, bigoted, majoritarian, anti-minority, besides concerted attacks being launched against the very edifice of their faith. It highlights that far from eschewing and expressing unequivocal condemnation of barbs being used against Hindus, the left intelligentsia actively and enthusiastically partakes in promoting and speaking the language of the terrorists.

When they use ‘gau mutra’ jibes to ridicule Hindus or the BJP supporters, they are effectively endorsing the beliefs held by Islamic terrorists who are animated by supremacist notions and who consider non-believers and apostates as fair game in their pursuit to establish a homogenous society based on the Islamic Sharia. For Islamists, terrorists and their supporters in the Left, there is only one faith that is worth following while all other faiths are mere impediments in their larger objective of establishing a global Muslim ummah.

It is to this end that Hindus are ceaselessly vilified, severely criticised and incessantly derided, which includes being pejoratively referred to as ‘cow urine drinkers’, so that when the opportunity arises, the Islamists can embark on their longstanding goal of Islamising India by tapping into these stereotypes and seeking moral justifications in their attacks against Hindus.

Foreign funding, radical Islamic organisations and hijab protests: A plan to mobilise Muslim youth against India

Last year in a random clubhouse conversation, a Kerala-based journalist had revealed how certain radical Islamic organisations and global Islamic movements have been covertly devising a sinister plot to Islamise India by funnelling a considerable amount of resources from the Middle-east.

Senior Malayalam journalist MP Basheer, the former editorial head of the now-defunct news outlet – Indiavision, had revealed details about the international funding to advance radical Islam in the country. In the discussion, Basheer had told that radical Islamic organisations such as the Popular Front of India and Jamaat-e-Islami were given the responsibility, and huge funds were being routed to them to promote Islamism in India.

Basheer had said that T Arif Ali, secretary-general of the radical Islamic organisation Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, had told him that he had accessed a letter written by Jamaat-e-Islami requesting the King Abdul Aziz University in Saudi Arabia to increase the financial grant to the radical Islamic organisations so that they could create awareness and promote the Islamic dress code in Kerala and India.

The most scathing disclosure made by Basheer was that Jamaat-e-Islami had started a project in India to promote the Islamic dress code for women and had access to funds from King Abdul Aziz University, an Islamic university in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 

One year down the line, the very same organisation that Basheer accused of collaborating with the global vested interests have now been linked to the ongoing hijab protests that have turned violent in many parts of the country. The hijab protests that started at a local level have now engulfed almost every part of the country, with Muslim mobs even resorting to violence against Hindu students and civilians for demanding the state to adhere to secular values of the Constitution.

PFI and Jamaat-e-Islam, Saudi funds and Hijab protests:

Several reports indicate clear evidence of the involvement of radical Islamic organisations such as the Popular Front of India and Jamaat-e-Islami in orchestrating the hijab protests. Both PFI and Jamaat-e-Islam have become very active in recent weeks, which suggests that a meticulous plan had been hatched to instigate Muslim students in the coastal districts of Udupi, Dakshina Kannada to create further chaos that can be eventually used to radicalise and recruit young Muslims into their organisation.

Recently, a report revealed the notorious radical Islamic outfit Campus Front of India (CFI) – the student wing of Popular Front of India and banned radical terror outfit Jamaat-e-Islami Hind had counselled Muslim students to orchestrate the hijab controversy in Karnataka. This comes at the backdrop of the repeated instances of PFI – the parent organisation of the Campus Front of India and Jamaat-e-Islami Hind attempting to radicalise the Muslim youth, especially in Kerala and Karnataka. 

In fact, the Women’s Government Pre-University College in Udupi, the epicentre of the burqa protests, has become a hub for PFI to carry out its communal political events, especially over the last year. It is being said the current protests have their origins in a protest that was organised by the ABVP in October 2021, in which the Muslim students of the college, who are now spearheading the Hijab protest, had also participated.

It is not a coincidence that Muskan Zainab, the burqa-clad protestor who rose to fame during the hijab protests in Karnataka through one well-planned video that was made viral, has links to the radical Islamic organisation PFI through her father. Not just her, two of the five others have close ties with the radical Islamic outfit, indicating that the hijab protests are a very well thought out agenda to rake up communal issues in the sensitive coastal areas of the southern states.

Abdul Sukoor, the father of Muskan Zainab and also the PFI leader, has revealed in an interview that the radical organisation had approached parents of some of the protests with the offer to help take on the college management in October itself over the hijab issue.

It is important to note that Yashpal Suvarna, the Vice President of the College Development Committee, had said that only six Muslim students out of the 150 Muslims studying in the college had issues with the hijab. Incidentally, the six protesting girls are the ones who were influenced by PFI, as per their own admission.

Rudre Gowda, the college principal, has also disclosed, “For years, students have been wearing hijabs while coming to college, but they are required to remove it inside the classrooms as per the college dress code. These girls, too, were following these rules. But, since December, they started demanding that hijab should be allowed during classes too.”

The hijab row at a local college in Udupi quickly escalated and led to a standoff between the families of six Muslim students and the college management. The PFI and Jamaat-e-Islami had propped up these six students to stand up against the college authorities on the issue of hijab, thus effectively implementing its sinister idea of promoting Islam in the states.

In addition, an investigative report by activist Vijay Patel revealed how radical groups and the left-liberal media had exploited the hijab controversy in Udupi, Karnataka, to spread their venomous anti-India propaganda. The activist had disclosed that the groundwork began in September 2021, when Campus Front of India (CFI), the notorious student arm of the extremist Islamist organisation Popular Front of India, started its membership drive in colleges including Udupi.

Hijab protests – a strategic move by the radical Islamic organisations to polarise and recruit young Muslims

The hijab protests are now being seen as a strategic move by the PFI and Jamaat-e-Hind to recruit young Muslims into the movement. By picking up trivial issues of hijab, the PFI has been relatively successful in catching them young and radicalising these students. The hijab – a piece of cloth has given momentum to the radical groups pushing theocratic ideas of Islam in society.

The coastal areas, especially in Kerala and Karnataka, have become the hotbed for radicalisation. The downfall of the Congress party and the rise of SDPI has given ample space for radical Islamists to brainwash Muslim youths. The rise of PFI in these years is also fuelled by the massive influx of funds, especially from the rich middle-eastern countries.

The incidents in the last few days in Karnataka indicate a clear direction that the global vested interests have joined hands with the radical Islamic organisations to promote radical Islamic values and create communal disharmony in the state.

With resources in place, the PFI and Jamaat-e-Islami are now slowly executing their plans to recruit and mobilise more youths so that they can promote Islam in these areas. For them, the hijab controversy has given a golden opportunity to polarise the debate, paving the way for more radicalisation by driving the fear of discrimination among Muslim youth.

Assam: At least thousand sedition cases to be filed against Rahul Gandhi over controversial tweet

On February 13, news agency ANI revealed that Bharatiya Janata Party leaders in Assam would be filing at least a thousand sedition cases against former Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for his tweet where he had said, “India exists from Gujarat to West Bengal”. ANI quoted unnamed sources in BJP alleging Gandhi conceded to the claims of China that Arunachal Pradesh is part of the communist country.

The controversial tweet was posted by Gandhi on February 10. In his tweet, he had said, “There is strength in our Union. Our Union of Cultures. Our Union of Diversity. Our Union of Languages. Our Union of People. Our Union of States. From Kashmir to Kerala. From Gujarat to West Bengal. India is beautiful in all its colours. Don’t insult the spirit of India.”

After his tweet, Chief Minister of Tripura Biplab Kumar, Chief Minister of Assam Himanta Biswa Sarma and Chief Minister of Manipur N Biren Singh pointed out that Wayanad MP did not mention the northeastern states in his tweet.

BJP leaders have claimed that Gandhi deliberately ignored the northeastern states hence conceding to the Chinese demand for Arunachal Pradesh. On the same day when Gandhi had tweeted, CM Sarma had said, “India is far beyond just a union. We are a proud Nation. Bharat cannot be held hostage to your tukde tukde philosophy. What is your problem with Nation, Nationality and Nationalism? And hello- beyond Bengal, we North east exist.”

Tripura CM took a dig at Gandhi and pointed out how Gandhi’s tweet was in sync with his great grandfather ignorance towards the northeast. He said, “In order to preach, Mr Rahul Gandhi has forgotten our beautiful North Eastern states. Just like his great grandfather, he excluded our region? We are also a proud part of India. Your ignorance is the reason for your party’s total wipeout from Northeast.”

CM Singh said he was baffled by the ignorance of the Congress leader about the region and questions how they could seek votes in Manipur when they do not even acknowledge their existence. He said, “It baffles me when a senior @INCIndia leader ignores the existence of North East India in their statements. When the existence of this region is not even acknowledged, how is Congress asking for votes from the people of Manipur for the upcoming election? Who’s dividing the Nation?”

The northeastern leaders were not the only ones who got baffled by Gandhi’s Tweet. Pratima Bhoumik, Union Minister of State, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, said, “The real insult is Rahul Gandhi completely ignoring the states of North-East India even in his criticisms. This reflects Congress Party’s true intent. They have and will always neglect the people of North-East!”

Congress’s student wing launched an attack on CM Sarma

Notably, Congress’s student wing NSUI has recently launched protests against Assam CM for his statement against Gandhi. During a political rally in Uttarakhand, CM Sarma had said Gandhi did not have the right to question the Army and seek proof for the surgical strikes. He said, “He seeks proof from our Army of the surgical strike, did we ever ask you for proof of whether you are Rajiv Gandhi’s son or not? What right do you have to demand proof from my Army?” After his statement, multiple complaints were filed against Sarma, and Congress workers demanded his immediate resignation.

Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust releases 3D preview of the grand Ram Mandir in Ayodhya

Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust released a 3D preview of the complete temple on 13th February 2022 in the evening from its official Twitter handle. The grandeur of the Ram Mandir being constructed in Ayodhya is felt very well in the rendering shown in the video.

Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust has written in its post, “You all must be curious about how the Shri Janmabhoomi Mandir in Ayodhya will look once it is complete. To give you a preview of this divine project, we have tried to present it through a 3D video. Jai Shri Ram!”

In the opening frames of the 3D preview, Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust has credited M/S C. B. Sompura Temple Architect who has conceived the design of the grand temple. Followed by this, the Trust credits in the preview, CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) – India and CBRI (Central Building Research Institute) – Roorkee for their contribution in 3D structural analysis and structure of the grand Ram Temple.

The bird’s eye view of the temple location

L and T Constructions is the Design Consultant and EPC Contractor of this project. So, this company is also credited in the next frame. Tata Consulting Engineers Limited is the company looking after the Programme Management Consultancy /services being provided to the temple construction project. The company is mentioned in the video. After Tatas, the Trust has credited Design Associates INC Architecture company that is looking after the master planning and the architectural design services for this project.

After the credit roll of initial 30 seconds, the video unfolds all the design details of the grand Ram Temple that is being constructed in Ayodhya for the last one and half years.

Showing Ayodhya’s location on India’s map, the preview directly makes the viewer watch a bird’s eye view of the 67 acres of the land in the whole city marked for the Trust to build the temple. It shows that the grand Ram Mandir will be surrounded by several smaller temples on all four sides.

The grand entrance – the Mahadwar.

It then zooms in to hover over the actual temple site of approximately 3 acres to give an angled view. The symmetrical designs of the major plot layout attract the sight with perfect right angles dividing the plot into major sections.

View from the surrounding garden

Besides the grand Ram Mandir and boundary walls with decorated Makharas, Mandapas, and Mahadwaras, proper areas are left vacant for vegetation. The greenery seen in the preview is comforting the eyes.

iews of the mandapas.The inner v

The temple will be 235 feet wide, 360 feet long, and 161 feet high. Once complete, the temple complex will be the world’s third-largest Hindu shrine. It is designed in the Gujara-Chalukya style of the northern Indian temple architecture.

The inner view of the shikhara.

It will have five mandapas and every mandapa will have a shikhara. The tallest shikhara will be on the Garbhagriha. The temple will be approached via 16 feet wide staircase. The Makrana red stone design temple complex will have 366 pillars. The pillars will be decorated with Indian designs and they will depict different Hindu deities like Shiva, Saraswati, Ganesh, etc.

The mandapa floor as seen from above.

The inner mandapas will house two floors. The inner design of the shikhara and the floors of all the mandapas will have iconic Indic designs. The exterior walls will be designed with the precision of all the intricate details.

he grand Ram Temple at a glance.T

All these details seen in the video are enough to excite all the devotees who are eagerly waiting for the completion of the temple construction. This video will also serve as an at-home experience to the veteran devotees who have been waiting for this temple to be built at once. The temple construction will take almost two more years to complete as December 2023 is the target date of completion.

The left continues to slander the scholarship of Vikram Sampath, despite the author giving due citations: All you need to know

The concerted attack on Vikram Sampath over his scholarship of Swatantryaveer Savarkar and his two-volume magnum opus on the freedom fighter seems never cease to exist. This time, the slandering is a new invention, accusing Sampath of ‘plagiarism’ over his lecture ‘The Revolutionary Leader Vinayak Damodar Savarkar’ which he gave at the India Foundation way back in 2017.

It started when associate professors of History and Communication from three universities in the USA, namely – Ananya Chakravarti, Rohit Chopra and the infamous Audrey Truschke wrote to the Royal Historical Society, UK making a case for Plagiarism against Sampath. In the letter dated February 11, 2022, the professors have accused Sampath of allegedly ‘borrowing from essays, lifting sentences without attribution and merely paraphrasing material’ from certain essays and thesis dissertations. Not only do their claims completely fall flat when they themselves find required references been cited in the index, but their attempts to ‘dismantle’ Sampath’s scholarship have also put their own academic credentials in question.

Here, The accusation of Sampath over alleged plagiarism comes in two parts – One where the professors claim that the author has not quoted the works of Scholars Vinayak Chaturvedi and Janaki Bakhale in his speech to the Indian Foundation. The Second – on another hand, is a hard-hitting claim of Vikram Sampath not crediting a thesis by a deceased undergraduate student Paul Schaffel from Wesleyan University in 2012. A Simple deconstruction of the letter of accusations reveals that the case against Sampath is rather weak, and is yet another exercise in tainting him over his scholarship of the revolutionary leader Savarkar.

Over citation of works by Chaturvedi and Bakhale

The recent attempt of accusing Sampath over his works is regarding the speech he gave at an India Foundation Event on March 18, 2017. The letter accuses him of ‘borrowing’ the central theme of Dr Vinayak Chaturvedi’s essay “A revolutionary’s biography: The case of V D Savarkar”. The cabal also accuses Sampath of ‘plagiarising’ from Dr Janaki Bakhale’s work. The professors while running his published speech on a plagiarism-detecting website, allegedly found a 50% resemblance of the content with Chaturvedi’s work and thence concluded that the work of Sampath was compromised.

While any speech however based on facts cannot be counted as an academic exercise, Vikram Sampath has explicitly mentioned Dr. Vinayak Chaturvedi in the questioned speech. Vikram Sampath without mincing his words gives credit to Dr. Chaturvedi and acknowledges his work repeatedly during the lecture. He has also mentioned his work in the list of referenced articles so published.

Moreover, publishing a full list of referenced articles while publishing his speech as an article in the India Foundation Journal, Sampath has also given due acknowledgement to Dr Bakhle for her research. In 2019, when Sampath came with his first Volume of the biography of Savarkar, she was herself to write a critical review of Sampath’s book without any allegations of plagiarism.

Yes, Vikram Sampath does credit Paul Schaffel

The letter also accuses Vikram Sampath of incorrectly sighting Paul Schaffel in his bibliography of ‘Savarkar: Echoes from a Forgotten Past’ (Volume I of the Svarakar biography). In the attached reference, Savarkar is clearly seen narrating an incidence independent of Schaffel’s writing. As he is not quoting Paul Schaffel directly, he has made sure to acknowledge the latter’s undergraduate thesis in his bibliography of works referenced. Thus, the allegation of plagiarism of incorrect referencing does not hold water, as the author has made sure to credit every source in an equally voluminous and thorough bibliography of references.

(Excerpt from the letter) There is no point in crediting Paul Schaffel while narrating a similar incidence in history, where the scholar has not been directly quoted as seen above.

Continued harassment of Sampath

This is not the first time when scholars and historians who are not necessarily sympathetic to the left have been targeted over their popular yet academically rooted scholarship. The generation of Vikram Sampath, Sanjeev Sanyal, J Sai Deepak and many others has made many strides as their narratives and perspectives of history are being widely accepted by scholars and the masses equally. The letter has been also called out for its tone, which sounds a yet another complaint about The Royal Historical Society’s felicitation of Vikram Sampath as a member.

Seems like the left will continue to expose itself while engaging in targeting based on rhetorics, less on substance. Meanwhile, there is much space and acceptance for new-age historians, thinkers and policy experts who are reclaiming and defining the ideas of India in many an intellectual churn.

From ‘Beheading non-believers’ to ‘Hitting wives’, here are more quotes from the Quran website quoted by Advocate Kamat during the hearing of hijab row


Devadatt Kamat, the senior counsel who presented in the Karnataka High Court on behalf of the Muslim petitioners and argued in favour of wearing hijab in schools, cited Quranic verses from the website

He argued that the headscarf is an essential element of the Islamic dress code, citing Quranic references. In court, Kamat read verses 24.31 and 24.33 of the Quran to explain that wearing a hijab or veil over one’s head is an essential Islamic practice.

We’ve selected a few verses from the same website that Kamat used and have some far-fetching implications. Also, the translations we are using here are the same ones that were referred to by Kamat before the court.

Non-Muslims are the worst of creatures (Chapter 98, Verse 6)

This verse asserts unequivocally that non-Muslims are the lowest of beings and will perish in the fires of hell. Quoting, “Those who disbelieve among the People of the Book and the idolaters will have the Fire of Hell, there to remain. They are the worst of creation.”  

Disbelievers are to be beheaded (Chapter 8, Verse 12)

This verse, which comes under Al-Anfal chapter of the Quran, states that disbelievers (non-Muslims) are to be beheaded and their fingers chopped off. “Your Lord revealed to the angels: ‘I am with you: give the believers firmness; I shall put terror into the hearts of the disbelievers- strike above their necks and strike all their fingertips.’ reads the mentioned verse.

Women are less trustable than men (Chapter 2, Verse 282)

This commandment focuses on the need for having a witness in any circumstance regarding debt. A man is equated with two women in this case because one woman is not as trustworthy as a man. “Call in two men as witnesses. If two men are not there, then call one man and two women out of those you approve as witnesses, so that if one of the two women should forget the other can remind her. Let the witnesses not refuse when they are summoned.” a part of the whole verse reads.

Marrying a slave is preferable to marrying an idol worshipper (Chapter 2, Verse 221)

Here, it is advised that a slave who is a Muslim can be married but any non-believer cannot be married until one converts to Islam. “Do not marry idolatresses until they believe: a believing slave woman is certainly better than an idolatress, even though she may please you. And do not give your women in marriage to idolaters until they believe: a believing slave is certainly better than an idolater, even though he may please you.” reads the verse.

Hit wife if she disobeys (Chapter 4, Verse 34)

“If you fear high-handedness from your wives, remind them [of the teachings of God], then ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them. If they obey you, you have no right to act against them: God is most high and great.”  reads this verse advising Muslim men to hit the wife in case they don’t agree with them.

Notably, the reference used to explain the burqa/hijab contains much of misogynistic content in all of its interpretations, which is striking.

The hijab controversy that started in Karnataka has gained attention all over the country. Several individuals and organizations have rushed to the defense of girls who want to wear the burqa at school, claiming that it is a religious need. These individuals should verify the prescriptions of their experts, such as Abdul Haleem, whose translations were adopted by Kamat and whom we have also mentioned, who interpret the Quran and indicate that a wife should be abused and trusted less than a man.

Noida: Five youths assaulted by Salim, Shadab, Salman and others for pro-BJP WhatsApp status, six including a minor arrested

A scuffle erupted in the Budh Vihar Colony in the Chhijarsi Chowki region of Uttar Pradesh’s Gautam Budh Nagar district (Noida) after a WhatsApp story in favour of the BJP was posted. Five youths were assaulted by a group of Muslim men. Two of them were severely beaten and assaulted with sharp objects. Salim Pasha is the prime accused in this crime. In this 11 February incident, six people have been detained so far, along with a juvenile.

Virender Singh Jat wrote in the complaint filed with the police, “On February 10, I made a BJP-supporting status update on my phone. At roughly 10:35 p.m., Salim Pasha of my neighbourhood responded with filthy obscenities. Following that, on the 11th of February, at 5 p.m., as I returned home with my friends Atul and Ajay following the treatment of a cow, we were ambushed by Salim Pasha and his companions Shadab, Salman, Raja Altaf, Afroz, and Aman Chukchi. About 30 more unidentifiable persons were among the assailants.”

The FIR.

“After the incident, we were encircled and attacked again when we were going to the police station to get the FIR registered,” the complaint said. “In this encounter, Ravi Thakur and Pawan Thakur were hurt. They were kidnapped and taken into a residence in this condition. In the home, both of them were attacked with sharp weapons once again. We called the police on 112 and notified them of the situation. The cops arrived and rescued Ravi and Pawan from the accused’s home. Ravi has been admitted to the hospital,” it added.

Case details.

A case has been filed in this regard by the Uttar Pradesh Police. In this case, Salman, Raja, Salim, Aman Chukchi, Afroz, Altaf, and Shadab have all been implicated. The accused has been charged under sections 147, 149, 323, 324, 365, 342, 506, and 67 of the Information Technology Act. The attack’s victims are between the ages of 20 and 30, and they work for the service of cows.

Gautam Buddh Nagar police tweeted to confirm that a case has been registered in the matter under strict sections, and five accused were arrested till yesterday.

Ravi Thakur is the most severely injured in the incident and is being treated at SJM Hospital in Chhijarsi.

Outside SJM hospital.

OpIndia reaches SJM hospital

OpIndia conducted an on-the-ground inquiry into the incident. We began our ground reporting from SJM Hospital at 3 p.m. on February 12. More individuals were not permitted to approach the injured at the hospital because of security concerns. There were no police officers on the scene. Apart from the injured’s family, some Hindu activists and media personnel were there at the moment.

We were able to reach the injured Ravi Thakur after obtaining permission from the SJM Hospital security guard. Ravi Thakur was taken for an ultrasound at the time. Ravi Kumar’s family members were in attendance. We asked their families to speak outside the hospital’s gate so that the hospital’s protocols and other patients were not disrupted. They agreed to this request.

Family and Acquaintances of Ravi Thakur.

Injured Ravi Thakur’s mother talks to OpIndia

Pinky, the injured Ravi Thakur’s mother, told OpIndia, “My son had gone to serve the cow.” I only have one son. These individuals (accused) stabbed him several times. We discovered it at about 8 p.m. Our son had already been admitted to the hospital by the time we received the call. My husband is a security guard. We are residents of Kanpur Dehat, Uttar Pradesh.  We are handling the entire treatment ourselves. The cops have arrived at the hospital and interrogated my son. My son is not in a position to convey the facts correctly. He’s in a lot of pain. His head is shattered. The head has been assaulted from four different angles. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to hear his voice.” During this entire conversation, Ravi Thakur’s mother kept crying.

Ravi Thakur’s father speaks to OpIndia

“My name is Thakur Sukhveer Singh,” said Ravi Thakur’s father. ” My son was working in addition to learning. During the lockdown, he had lost his job. We had gone to the village in the meanwhile. He was seeking for work once he returned. I have no knowledge of the situation. I received the information while on duty. When I arrived after hearing the news, I discovered this situation. I have no ill will toward anyone. The formation of the BJP government has led to this scuffle.” he added.

Parents of Ravi Thakur.

OpIndia talks to Pawan Kumar Tomar, the second victim of the attack

Pawan Kumar Tomar is the second victim, whom the attackers tried to kill by locking them in the house. Pawan Tomar told OpIndia, “The main reason behind the incident is the posting of BJP WhatsApp status by my friend Virender Chaudhary (Virender Jat). On this status, a boy named Salim Pasha abused him. Salim is infamous for doing vagabonds in 25 futa area.  At the time of the incident, 25 to 30 people attacked Virender Chaudhary. Virender called me after the attack. Then I was taking care of the cow. I sent Virender to the police station and then drove there myself. When I arrived, I noticed that the friends with me were rushing ahead of me. They were being chased by a group of Muslim men.”

Pawan Kumar in the hospital.

Pawan Kumar Tomar further said, “I heard that there was an announcement from the mosques that there was a fight with the Bajrang Dal people. We will have to see them today. Everyone was gathered at Salim’s house. Ravi Bhai was also with me. Me and Ravi Bhai were assaulted. When I stopped there with a bike, seeing the Chandan on my forehead, they (the attackers) said that he too belongs to the Bajrang Dal. They abducted us both threatening to slay us. After taking us inside a house and locking, a fat man made the first attack on Ravi Bhai with a sword. Blood began to pour from Ravi Bhai’s head as a result of that impact. I felt a bit frightened. I was terrified so I rushed to the room in front of me. I locked from the inside after that. Then I dialed 112 for assistance. After then, the cops arrived. After the cops arrived, we were free to depart. At least 7 to 8 police vans had arrived. Women were also involved in this incident, along with men. They threw bricks from the roofs.  A brick did hit me on the back.  There is still some swelling. I told them I wasn’t there and they shouldn’t harm me, but they said you’re from Bajrang Dal as well. They kept shouting Bajrang Dal throughout the attack.”

Complainant and victim Virender Singh Jat spoke to OpIndia

Virender Singh Jat is the same young man who is claimed of being assaulted by Salim Pasha, based on WhatsApp statuses he wrote in favour of the BJP. In this case, Virender is also the complainant. “On the 10th, I typed ‘Only BJP Bhagwadhari’ with the status of my voter ID,” he stated in an interview with OpIndia. Salim Pasha, a student alongside me, verbally harassed me because of my standing. I also responded to him. Then he invited me to meet him the next day. We work as cow helpers. In the evening, we went to a look for an ill cow.  We were on our way back home but were besieged and beaten. We ran from there. Then, as we were about to report it to the police, the inhabitants in his entire neighborhood did beat us up again.”

House of Virender Singh Jat.

Virender Singh Jat further said, “Two of our friends were picked up and locked in the house. Their names are Pawan Kumar Tomar and Ravi Thakur. Pawan Bhai called 112 and called the police. In the meantime, Ravi was wounded due to beating with swords and knives. Along with them, 1-2 more boys were also beaten. After information on 112, the police reached and took them to the police station. Ravi Bhai was taken to the hospital for treatment. With us, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Gau Raksha Dal, and Agniveer teams arrived at the police station. There, a group of Muslims began to arrive. There were a lot of people that came from there. They were escorted away by the cops. Even with the cops, they were doing “tu-tu, main-main.”

Virender Singh Jat.

According to Virender, “Our house is in street number 7 and Salim’s house is in street number 4. There is only a short distance between our house. There are more Muslim people and fewer Hindus. Salim Pasha has not been caught yet. I am Jat I support Yogi-Modi. None of the politicians they helped me. Sunil Chaudhary or anyone from Samajwadi Party did not come to ask us anything. I would like to tell my Jat brothers not to fall for them.”

Victims’ friend and their Gau Seva group chief Vishal Gautam spoke to OpIndia

Vishal Gautam told OpIndia, “On the day of the incident, as usual, these boys were coming after doing cow service. A few hours before that, there was a dispute about their WhatsApp status. Status was in support of BJP. Because of this, the Muslim youth of the same place disputed with them. The rule of our Agniveer organization is to inform the authorities after every incident. That’s why he (complainant Virender Singh Jat) informed me about the whole incident. I instructed them to go to the police station and file a complaint. That’s when they (the assailants) declared, ‘If we have to go to jail, we’ll go after murdering them.’ They issued a call and assembled all of the men. Several of our men were harmed there, most notably Pawan Tomar and Ravi Thakur. They were stabbed with whatever was in the form of a knife. He has one and a half to two-inch incisions on his skull. In addition, there are 13-14 stitches.”

Vishal Gautam further said, “Ravi was left by the attackers as dead. After this they started beating Pawan. Pawan had locked himself in the room. I live in Dasna so it took me a while to come. By then the police and some friends in the media had been informed. I went down that street. As soon as I entered my street, the father of the accused Salim Pasha blocked the street. At the same time, he went inside to call more people. Sensing the situation, I came out with a scooty. Then the teams of Noida and Ghaziabad police reached the spot. The police took both (Ravi and Pawan) out of the house and got Ravi admitted to the hospital. They took the rest to the police station.”

Vishal Gautam

“We have filed a named complaint against eight persons,” says Vishal Gautam. ” Some are unidentified. While filing a complaint at the police station, the accused were there. Then one of his men entered and drove the accused away. Amirul Hasan is one of their leaders’ names. In Buddha Vihar, he runs an illegal school. There is no acknowledgment of that school. Outside the police station, Amirul Hasan stated that ‘if they do not agree to stop from filing an FIR, beat them cruelly.’ This was heard by the cops themselves. From there, they reprimanded Amirul and drove him away. Following that, the men from Buddha Vihar informed us that the announcement had been made in the mosque here. According to the announcement, our men were being thrashed by cops at Sector 63 police station. While not a single boy was ever harmed. Following this, around 300 people packed into vehicles and lined up in groups of 10-12 at each junction in Noida Sector 63.”

Vishal Gautam went on to say, “When roughly 50 people arrived from our side as well, the cops urged us to remove the throng.  They stated this in order to maintain societal peace. It also reminded me of election season. We returned our friends. Afterward, at one and a half the night, Amirul Hasan arrived at the hospital in his car. I was sitting outdoors on my scooty with 4-5 buddies since I had not received clearance from the hospital authorities upstairs. Amirul Hasan began by claiming that the police had apprehended another Salman as a result of his actions. Amirul Hasan requested that I negotiate Salman’s release. In addition, he warned me with penalties if I did not comply. He began attempting to get a friend of mine, Atul Tiwari, to sit in his car.”

Vishal Gautam went on to explain, “So far, the police action is ongoing.” The police are raiding. According to reports, the suspects have fled. The attack comprised between 300 and 400 persons. They’d poured bricks from their rooftops. They have shattered the glass in their own home in order to bring this action against us. They also removed the AC wires, etc. Around 70 of our men had arrived to assist in the rescue. However, the number of these persons (attackers) was steadily growing. They came from all around, including Noida, Kaila Bhatta, Islam Nagar, and Dasna. There were also other ladies who claimed to have been molested. They threatened to file a bogus rape accusation against us. At the time, the police had them removed from the area. During this time, the opposition also called the Samajwadi Party’s Noida District President. The automobile of the SP district president was spotted there.”

“These (accused persons) stand under the underpass at night,” Vishal says. “They steal people’s phones and money. Someone informed me that one of them is a young man named Salman or Salim. He asked a Hindu girl to marry him. When the girl refused, he broke into her home and severed the girl’s vein. The girl’s relatives did not file a complaint because they were afraid. We are disseminating this information. At the same time, we are looking into the offenses they committed. We’ll keep everything in plain sight of the cops. We’ve urged the cops to beef up security. If someone can come in the middle of the night to bully, why can’t he walk upstairs to kill? At least till the injured is in the hospital, the security should be kept strong. There were 2 policemen deployed in the night, but there is no security as of now.” he added.

Accused Aman alias Chuchi has made a video with weapons on Owaisi’s 15-minute statement

A video posted on Twitter by a user with the handle According to Jatin Raj, depicts Aman alias Chuchi, the culprit in the incident. In this video, a young man is shown holding a firearm. The voice of Akbaruddin Owaisi’s 15-minute address is echoing in the background. In this video, Jatin Raj has also tagged Noida Police.

OpIndia team reached the spot from the hospital

After visiting the victims, family, and friends of the injured at the hospital, the OpIndia crew traveled to the site of the incident. This location is on NH 24 after crossing the Hindon River on the way from Noida to Hapur. We arrived at the location after descending the underpass and walked through the underpass wall on the right side. On the route, there is a rutted mud road. The main market is around 300 meters away from the event scene, and a half-dozen police officers were spotted stationed there. Other police station personnel were also spotted arriving in cars on the scene.

Police near the place of incident.

We arrived at the location where the entire event occurred after walking through the busy market for around 300 meters from where the police force was deployed. A diverse populace, as well as shops, could be seen at the market. This route is known as the 25 futa road. There was no police presence in the street where the event occurred. Neighbors said that the cops were still showing up from time to time. Any local declined to speak about the event in front of the camera.

The underpass next to NH 24

Life was normal on 25 Futa Road. Shops were open and people were busy with their daily activities. However, there was silence in the street where the incident took place. Only a few people were seen there.

The street where the incident took place

OpIndia spoke to the local SHO in this matter

Inspector Dharmendra Kumar Shukla, in charge of Sector 63 Police Station, spoke with OpIndia. “So far, six arrests have been made in this case,” added the inspector. ” A minor is also among the offenders. I’m now putting together the paperwork to present the accused in court. I’ll be able to provide the remainder of the action information later this evening.” he added.

Surat: Female caretaker brutally thrases eight-month-old infant, arrested for attempt to murder after caught on hidden camera


A shocking video from Rander of Surat has emerged on social media in which a female caretaker (‘Aayaa’ that is a babysitter) is seen beating an eight-month-old baby boy brutally for unknown reasons. The woman had even slammed the child on the mattress. On a complaint by the child’s parents, the woman was arrested by the Rander police on 5th February 2022 and booked under section 307 of IPC for an attempt to murder.

The eight-month-old baby boy was rushed to a hospital in critical condition after he was found in an unconscious state on Friday 4th February 2022. The video of the incident was caught by a hidden camera installed by the family due to suspicions about the caretaker’s behaviour.

Komal Tandelkar, aged 27, used to work as a caretaker at the house of Mithesh Patel who is a sports teacher in a local private school. Mithesh’s wife is also a working woman, she is an instructor at the Industrial Training Institute (ITI). As both of them go for their jobs, they had employed Komal Tandelkar as an Aayaa to take care of their twin children.

Recently, Patels were informed by their neighbours that when the couple had gone to their respective workplaces, the baby boys were crying a lot while the caretaker was in their house. Out of suspicion, Mithesh Patel had installed a hidden camera inside the house, as he had noticed minor injury marks on the bodies of the twin boys. On Friday, 4th February 2022, Komal Tandelkar called and informed Patel that one of the baby boys has fainted. Patel rushed him to a private hospital where he was admitted.

A police officer has reportedly said “The boy has suffered a brain injury and is on a ventilator. Preliminary investigation has revealed that Tandelkar slammed the baby hard on the mattress resulting in serious head injuries. Accused has been booked for attempt to murder.”

The officer added that “When the father asked the accused what happened to the boy she did not say anything. Later when Patel checked the camera footage he came to know about the torture.” In the video that went viral, Komal Tandelkar is seen beating and thrashing the boy. She committed this monstrous act when she was supposed to take care of the twin babies.

Patel filed a complaint against the accused in Rander police station. Based on the complaint, the accused was arrested on 5th February 2022.