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How AltNews works as an Islamic propaganda website using shield of fact check

Propaganda website AltNews has been largely peddled as an authentic source of fact-checks by the entire Left cabal. Their articles are peddled by any anti-government, anti-Hindu riffraff that the ecosystem has to offer and they often claim that their method is rather elaborate and authentic. With patrons like Arundhati Roy, who regularly speaks in a language that can only be called one that resonates with Naxals and every element that wishes to tear India apart, AltNews has gained a reputation amongst right-thinking individuals as a mouthpiece of Islamists. The so-called fact-checking website regularly furthers fake news, obfuscates the truth, concocts details to shield Islamists and sometimes, even creates fake news simply to fact check it later.

In their quest to exonerate perpetrators from the Muslim community, AltNews has employed several methods over the years. Their methods, have now almost become predictable and standardised. While subtly peddling Islamic propaganda, AltNews keeps up the veneer of fact-checking to make their propaganda far more palatable to their already gullible readers, and that, they have the help of the entire ecosystem for their nefarious plans certainly helps move things along.

In this article, we aim to analyse the methods used by AltNews to exonerate perpetrators who happen to belong to the Muslim community and spread the Islamist agenda simultaneously, all the while, hiding behind the veil of fact-checking.

Method #1: Downright lies

While AltNews claims to ‘fact-check’, the portal has often peddled downright lies to shield Islamists and perpetrators who are Muslims. While a ‘fact-checking’ website would at least be expected to further facts, even if they have an ideological leaning, AltNews misses terribly on that mark.

Not too long ago, a Twitter handle had appeared that alleged the scarcity of PPE kits and masks in a Haryana hospital. After the tweet was peddled by Pratik Sinha and several others like Shekhar Gupta, the tweet was deleted. However, there was another catch that any ‘fact-checker’ would have figured out if he wasn’t driven by agenda. Essentially, a Twitter account changes gender in the name, uploads an image most possibly taken off the Internet and shares a heartbreaking story of doctors who are struggling without masks as they fight coronavirus and ‘fact-checkers’ without verifying facts amplify the story. Editors Guild of India boss, too, spreads the misinformation to millions. This when the nation is fighting a major pandemic and it is a moral responsibility of every citizen to stay away from rumours and unverified information. However, for the ones with motives, such temptations are hard to resist especially when the false information makes Prime Minister Modi and India look underprepared.

Earlier in 2017, one of the cofounders of the ‘factchecking’ website which used to run a parody page on Facebook called ‘Unofficial: Subramanian Swamy’ shared an old photo to claim that Chief Minister of Karnataka BS Yedyurappa used to celebrate ‘Tipu Jayanti’ earlier. The claim was revealed to be completely bogus as he was not even a member of the BJP when the photo was apparently captured and it was during his attempt to create a separate party on his own. The photo was captured at the minority convention of the Karnataka Janata Paksha (KJP).

On another occasion, Zubair, a cofounder of AltNews, shared a cropped video claiming that some members of Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) of Gonda, Uttar Pradesh had raised some anti-national slogans during a protest rally against Pakistan in the wake of Pulwama terror attack by Islamic terrorists. He urged his followers to retweet the same ‘cropped’ video so that fake propaganda can be shared across the platform to incite communal disharmony. However, the Gonda police soon issued a statement rejecting the claims of Zubair. They clarified that there were no such ‘anti-India’ slogans which were raised at the protests. The Gonda Police in its statements said the videos pertaining to the VHP protest march is being used for ‘corrupt’ purposes and stated that no such slogans were raised during the event.

In 2018, a video had surfaced which showed certain individuals raising pro-Pakistan slogans. AltNews immediately jumped to the occasion and raised questions regarding its authenticity in its factcheck to claim that it raised ‘suspicion’. However, the Bihar DGP KS Diwedi confirmed that the video which was shot in Araria was real and it was not doctored. Two men named Sultan Aazmi and Shehjad were arrested as well in connection with the incident.

Method #2: Deliberate Attempts at Misleading

There have been numerous occasions on which AltNews has deliberately misled its audience on the actual facts of the matter. One prominent instance was the Kathua Rape Case where the son of the main accused, Vishal Jangotra, was acquitted by the Court. In May 2018, In May 2018, OpIndia had reported how fresh details revealed that Jangotra was actually present in Muzaffarnagar on the day and at a time when the police charge sheet accuses him to be present in Kathua. However, AltNews had cast aspersions on OpIndia insinuating that we were defending the rapist of a minor child.

Another such instance was the vandalism involving the statue of Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar in Kolkata during the Lok Sabha Elections. There was no evidence as such that it was carried out by anyone associated with the BJP but AltNews portrayed it as such. Furthermore, the ‘factcheckers’ also claimed that there was no stonepelting from inside the Vidyasagar College, when in fact there was, and later when they were forced to correct their mistake, they claimed it was ‘retaliation’ without any evidence that the stonepelting was initiated by those on the outside. Without a shred of evidence, they had pronounced saffron organisations guilty for the vandalism. The investigative authorities hasn’t yet found out who vandalised the statue. Perhaps, they could have employed Altnews to solve the case, the ‘factcheckers’ who found the accused within hours of the incident.

More recently, BJP Spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia had shared a video of Muslims violating social distancing norms by gathering in large numbers at a Mosque. He had slammed those who try to absolve the miscreants among the community of all their sins and slammed those who twist it to be an attack on their faith. Zubair immediately replied to the remarks on Twitter by sharing a ‘factcheck’ of the video and insinuated that Gaurav Bhatia had shared it under pressure from the ‘IT Cell’. In reality, the ‘factcheck’ by Altnews only confirmed the message the BJP spokesperson was trying to convey. The video was from Maharashtra on the 23rd of March, a day after the Janata Curfew, when section 144 was in force. An FIR was registered regarding the event against the concerned individuals for the same.

In April, Mohammed Zubair wrote on Twitter, “Leading by example, Surat Dy Mayor Nirav Shah shares a video of him attending a ‘religious ceremony’ presided by Jain Monks.” The caption was accompanied by a video wherein the Surat Mayor could be seen prostrating in front of a Jain monk. In reality, it was a gathering for relief work and in the said clip shared by Zubair, the people were only engaging in ritualistic obeisance as is the norm within the Jain community.

Method #3: Whitewash Deplorable Crimes

AltNews, over time, has developed a unique habit of unapologetically whitewashing the most rabid crimes committed by Radical Muslims. During the Delhi anti-Hindu riots, the ‘factcheckers’ launched a staunch defence of Tahir Hussain, the AAP Councillor, who played a prominent part in the violence in North East Delhi and is an accused in the murder case of Ankit Sharma. They had given a clean chit to the AAP leader based on a shoddily edited video that showed Tahir Hussain seeking help. AltNews claimed that they could find no evidence of the video being edited, however, social media users pointed out the glaring plot-holes in the fairy-tale. They absolved the AAP Councillor entirely on the basis of dubious sources and a video that could have easily been manipulated.

In the aftermath of the crackdown on the Jamia Milia Islamia University during the violent anti-CAA riots, when the Police was forced to enter the campus in order to flush out goons, AltNews published a ‘factcheck’ to absolve Jamia students of their sins even when it was evident that they were not entirely innocent. They claimed that in one of the videos, what was previously believed to be a stone was actually a wallet. In doing so, they ignored the other videos where students of the University are clearly visible carrying stones in their hands.

AltNews has discovered another novel way of ‘factchecking’, hitherto unknown to mankind. They use quotes from an individual who is accused of guilt and then treat it as gospel truth in order to declare them innocent. It is a malicious way of whitewashing crimes as an individual will obviously never admit to his guilt unless forced to do so. In one such instance, AltNews whitewashed the crimes of a man who was advised home quarantine after videos surfaced where it could be seen that he had deliberately dropped currency note. In the wake of the Wuhan Coronavirus, instances have emerged where certain individuals have shows a predisposition towards spreading the infection through currency notes. The individual was identified as one Mohammed Yusuf Ilyas Shaikh, a resident of Valsad.

AltNews cites Shaikh himself who says, “I had left in the morning to travel to Dabhel and stopped at a gas station en route to fill petrol. Since I was riding on the highway I was wearing spectacles and a mask. I met with an accident in 2009 and since then, I am unable to hold things in my right hand. There is movement in the hand but I cannot use it effectively. I didn’t even realise when the notes fell out of my hand.” On the basis of this comment, AltNews had declared him a victim of a targeted campaign even though it was evident from the video that he was not speaking the truth. They also cited a police officer to declare him innocent even though the said officer had made no comment to that effect. The lies of Shaikh were also peddled in ample amount in the name of ‘factcheck’.

In a similar case, a Muslim fruit vendor in Raisen, Madhya Pradesh was seen smearing the fruits he intended to sell with his saliva in a video from February. Following the incident, an FIR was registered against Sheru Miyan under relevant sections. AltNews claimed that since the video was from February, there was no risk of spreading the Wuhan Coronavirus even though the virus has been in the news since a long time before that. They also claimed that the actions were merely ‘gross’ when such acts can actively lead to the spread of diseases. AltNews again relied on the claims made by the daughter of the person to portray his actions as that of a mentally unwell individual, which may very well be true, but only casts further aspersions on the negligence of the family. AltNews, however, saw nothing wrong with that and proceeded to declare the man an innocent victim of a targeted campaign.

Method #4: Doxxing Individuals on Social Media

There have been multiple occasions on which AltNews has doxxed individuals in the past and invariably, the individuals concerned always fell on one side of the political spectrum. It was done knowing fully well that the doxxing will put the person’s life at risk from Islamists. In January 2019, Pratik Sinha, the founder of AltNews, created quite the storm when doxxed unsuspecting users on Twitter. Doxxing implies publishing private information about an individual on social media or identifying information about an individual with malicious intent. Subsequently, the twitter user @SquintNeon, received a barrage of hate and threats from Jihadists, warning him of dire consequences. It was believed that a thread by the user exposing Islamists hd prompted the said the people associated with AltNews to doxx him.

During the same saga, Pratik Sinha had also doxxed numerous other individuals which made them fear for their lives. In the said process, even women were not spared and subjected to doxxing as well. The said individuals revealed that they were receiving threats due to the doxxing efforts of Pratik Sinha. And it is with good reason that the individuals were scared. We have already seen what has happened to Kamlesh Tiwari and the manner in which he was brutally murdered by Islamists.

Thus, the doxxing is part of a clear and coordinated attempt to silence the critics of Radical Islam and their followers. The objective is to expose them to Radical Jihadists on social media who then flood the said individuals with hate and threats, with the very real possibility that they will actually carry them out. Under such circumstances, it is natural for individuals to fear for their lives and exercise in self-censorship, which is the ultimate objective of AltNews, that is, to prevent criticism of Radical Islam and its followers.

Method #5: Collaboration with global Leftwing actors

When AltNews is not busy lying, misleading its audience, whitewashing crimes and doxxing individuals, it also collaborates with foreign leftwing media to whitewash the crimes of Islamists. On one such instance, Pratik Sinha helped The New Yorker to downplay the Balakot Airstrikes. The same report also cast aspersions on the Pulwama terror Attack that claimed the lives of over forty of our Jawans. The journalist wrote, “Many of the pro-Modi posts turned out to be crude fabrications. Pratik Sinha, of Alt News, pointed out that photos claiming to depict dead Pakistani militants actually showed victims of a heatwave; other images, ostensibly of the strikes, were cribbed from a video game called Arma 2.” The implication was that the Pakistani version of events was accurate and the Indian facts were not despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

On another occasion, British MP Debbie Abrahams deliberately spread misinformation regarding her Visa after the government refused her entry into the country due to her involvement in anti-India activities. Despite being aware of the fact that her visa was invalid, Abrahams had outraged claiming that her visa was ‘revoked’ after it was granted. She also claimed that it was done deliberately because she had been critical of the Indian government ‘over Kashmir human rights issue’. Soon, one of the cofounders of Altnews, jumped to her defence and engaged in a disinformation campaign against the Government of India. It was all a lie and her Visa was rejected prior to her arrival and she was informed of the same.

Recently, in an attempt to whitewash the crimes of the Tablighi Jamaat and certain sections of the Muslim population during the Coronavirus pandemic, Pratik Sinha told the American media organisation NPR, “The right wing has found all these old videos and is circulating them to insinuate that Indian Muslims are knowingly spreading coronavirus and that it is equivalent to terrorist activity.” Quite clearly, the AltNews founder wants everyone to believe that the numerous occasions during the pandemic when sections of the Muslim community have openly flouted lockdown norms, attacked the police and healthcare workers, claimed the virus was “Allah’s NRC” and engaged in despicable behaviour including sexual harassment were all lies despite the overwhelming documented evidence of the said atrocities. It’s the most clear case of defending Radical Muslims.

Pratik Sinha told Vice, where he was introduced as an ‘expert’, when asked about ‘Islamophobia’ during the pandemic, “Whenever I have interacted with fact-checkers in international conferences, I’ve realised that a scale of this kind [of misinformation] does not exist anywhere else but in India. No other country has misinformation weaponised the way it has here. Maybe the United States could compare, but even there, there’s more information literacy. In India, it’s also not just about the scale, but the impact too. In other countries, people don’t go out and lynch people based on misinformation.” Again, the familiar pattern as observed in his previous statement to NPR follows.

Similarly, Pratik Sinha told Public Radio Tulsa, based in Oklahoma in the United States, “Trying to insinuate Indian Muslims unknowingly spreading coronavirus and that it is equivalent to a terrorist activities, that they are doing so, you know, so that Hindus get it.” He was accusing the ‘Hindu Nationalist Party’ of inciting hatred against Muslims.

Thus, AltNews and its founders have graduated from spreading misinformation in India to spreading misinformation around the world. The mandate for them is quite clear: Defend Islamists whatever the cost. Not once have they spoken about the deplorable conduct of the Tablighi Jamaat and the radical Muslims during the Coronavirus pandemic and yet, they continue to pretend as if no Muslim anywhere in India has committed any wrong and it is the Hateful Hindus who are targeting them in a concerted campaign.

The Islamic Propagandists of AltNews

As we have demonstrated here, AltNews, although it calls itself a ‘factchecking website’, is in reality an islamic propagandist portal. Apart from the examples used to demonstrate the techniques used to defend Islamists, there have been numerous other occasions when they have whitewashed the crimes of Islamists or false accused Hindus of guilt. They tried to whitewash the crime of Zahid and Aslam who murdered a three year old in Aligarh last year. They spread misinformation about the Hindu Swastika. The were even caught shielding the Islamists who committed the brutal terror attack in Sri Lanka. Really, it would be difficult to find an Islamist crime which AltNews hasn’t played its propaganda over.

The enthusiasm with which AltNews has defended Islamists should prompt neutral observers to view them in new light. They can no longer be considered as merely ‘factcheckers’ when they have been acting as the propaganda wing of Radical Muslims.

Maharashtra govt files an application in the Supreme Court alleging that Arnab Goswami was “terrorising” the police in his debate

The Maha Vikas Aghadi government in Maharashtra, headed by Shiv Sena supremo Uddhav Thackeray, on behalf of the Deputy Commission of Mumbai(Zone III), has filed an application in the apex court of the country alleging that the Republic TV Editor-in-Chief was “browbeating” the police.

The application was filed after the Supreme Court granted three weeks of interim protection to Mr Goswami from any coercive action in the wake of multitudes of FIRs filed against the journalist, alleging defamation against Congress Leader Sonia Gandhi as well as attempting to disrupt communal harmony of the country through his statements in his Daily show.

Stating that Mr Goswami was abusing the interim protection granted to him by the top court, the petition filed by the Maharashtra government alleged that Mr Goswami was “heckling and badgering” police officials and thereby impeding the proper investigation, the application has appealed for preventing him from such conduct.

The application, which was filed on behalf of advocate Sachin Patil, stated that after Arnab Goswami’s inquisition for the FIR lodged against him concluded, he went on his prime time show “Republic Bharat” and raised aspersions on Mumbai Police’s integrity.

In addition, the police gave an account of and the sequence of FIRs and investigation carried out so far and made a reference to the Hindi show-“Puchta Hai Bharat” as, “The statements on his debate on his Republic Bharat channel are aimed browbeating, terrorizing and intimidating the investigating officer”.

Citing the tweets posted by his organisation’s official Twitter handle, the application asserted that Mr Goswami and his organisation had tried to portray Mumbai Police as prejudiced against the petitioner and that it unnecessarily questioned the petitioner for several hours.

“Mr Goswami made several false statements against the Commission of Mumbai Police, claiming that he had squelched the petitioner’s FIRs and that he was involved with India Bulls which is a scam and that he(Arnab) is probing the India Bulls,” the petition contends.

Furthermore, the application claimed that the actions of Mr Goswami exhibit an ‘extremely disturbing state of affairs” and disparaged the “institution of Police”, abusing and exploiting his position as a journalist and Editor-in-Chief of Republic TV.

Arnab Goswami interrogated for more than 12 hours for referring to Sonia Gandhi with her birth name “Antonio Maino”

On 27th April, Arnab Goswami was interrogated for over 12 hours by Mumbai Police at NM Joshi Marg Police station in Mumbai. He was questioned after the Congress party filed more than 150 FIRs against him in various states of the country. The Supreme Court had merged all the FIRs into one and transferred to Mumbai. The apex court had also granted interim protection of three weeks to the Republic TV Editor. Republic Network’s CFO was also questioned for several hours in the same case.

Arnab was hounded for launching an attack against Sonia Gandhi, wherein he had questioned if she would have maintained the silence she is exhibiting today had Christian padres been killed instead of Hindu sadhus in the horrifying lynching incident in Palghar. However, soon after, Congress leaders and many journalists started abusing Arnab and by extension Prime Minister Modi implying he was responsible for Arnab questioning Sonia Gandhi’s silence and calling the interim Congress president with her birth name-Antonio Maino.

Mumbai Police continues its vendetta

Despite interim protection from the Supreme Court, the Mumbai Police continued its feud against Republic TV Editor in chief Arnab Goswami and registered another FIR against him yesterday. The new FIR had been registered on his remarks over the migrant labour protest in Bandra on April 14, therefore this does not come under the ambit of Supreme Court order that had said that no fresh FIR can be filed Against Goswami for his comments on Sonia Gandhi’s silence in Palghar lynching case.

Bois Locker Room: Delhi schoolboys create an Instagram group to share lewd photos, chats of classmates, Delhi Police starts probe

Taking cognisance of the raging controversy regarding the ‘Bois Locker Room’ Instagram group (‘Bois’ was used as a variant of the word ‘boys’), the Delhi Police on Monday said that it is looking into the matter based on the social media posts and a case has been registered under relevant sections of IT Act and other relevant IPC sections.

Anish Roy, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Cyber Crime, said, “We have come to know about this through social media monitoring. We haven’t received any complaint in this regard so far. However, we are analysing the social media posts and are looking deeply into the matter.”

DCW issues notice to Instagram and Delhi Police

Besides, the Delhi Commission for Woman (DCW) on Monday issued a notice to Instagram and Delhi Police over the glorification of rape by teenage boys in the Instagram chat group that was called the ‘locker room’. The notice read that the ‘Bois Locker Room’ (a variant of the word ‘boys’) is a private group on social media site Instagram with more than hundreds of members being part of it.

The notice stated that the aforementioned group was used for sharing objectionable pictures of minor girls and young women along with their private information. DCW chief Swati Maliwal said in the notice that the members of the group have been reported to have discussed techniques and methods of raping women and gang-raping minors.

Read: Here is how the cyber cell thinks your ‘saree challenge’ photos can be misused on the web: The world of ‘Deep Nude’

The notice urged the police to take against the individuals who were part of the group and were actively involved in sharing photos of underage girls and passing vulgar comments on them. “The commission is in possession of many screenshots of the group wherein the handle names and the usernames are clearly visible. This is a very serious matter as an open media platform is being used for illegal activities,” added Maliwal while asking the Delhi Police and Instagram to respond by May 8.

“Bois Locker Room” Instagram chat group

Recently, social media was awash with repugnant details of an Instagram chat group comprising of boys that discussed ‘gang-raping’ girls in a group called ‘Bois Locker Room’ (Bois, being a spin on the word ‘boys’). The leaked photos of the “Bois Locker Room” (Boys Locker Room) Instagram group had kicked up a storm over the normalisation of rape culture in the country. The group allegedly ran by teenage boys, involved graphic sexualisation and sharing of private photos of underage girls, objectifying them and planning gang-rapes with minor girls.

The petrifying incident came to light after a girl from South Delhi shared a screenshot on social media and busted the said group and a host of other such groups.

“A group of south delhi guys aged 17-18 types have this ig gc named ‘boy’s locker room’ where they objectify and morph pictures of girls their age. 2 boys from my school are a part of it. My friends and I are freaking out, ” she said in a social media post while sharing the screenshots.

The girl also shared a list of participants of the groups and the chat on the group where the concerned individuals are seen sharing morphed and explicit photos of girls and making lewd remarks over them.

Twin attacks in Kashmir: Terrorists attack CISF party, area cordoned, at least one Jawan injured

According to reports, terrorists have attacked a CISF patrol party in Wagoora Nowgam area on the outskirts of Srinagar city in Kashmir. It is reported that one CISF personnel has been injured in the terror attack and the area has been cordoned off by CISF.

A day after five security forces personnel were martyred while rescuing hostages from two terrorists, twin terror attacks have been reported from Kashmir. While terrorists targeted the CISF party, another group of terrorists attacked a CRPF patrol party in Handwara earlier today. An hour back, a CRPF patrol party was attacked by terrorists in Qaziabad and the area was cordoned off. One of the terrorists was neutralised some time back as per reports.

As reported by news agency ANI, 3 CRPF personnel are martyred while 7 have been injured. Following the attack, a search operation was launched by security forces in Wangam, Kralgund of Handwara in North Kashmir after the attack.

Handwara encounter

On 2nd May 2020, at around 3:30 PM, an encounter started between the Forces and terrorists in Chanjumullah area of Handwara in Kupwara, North Kashmir. Towards evening, reports started pouring in that two senior Army personnel including a Colonel-rank officer and a Major were trapped in a house with two Pakistani terrorists. The senior officers soon lost contact with the team.

As per reports, when no radio contact could be established with the team, the unit called Colonel Sharma’s mobile phone. The call was answered by a terrorist who responded with an ‘Assalamalaikum’.

Two terrorists, including top Pakistani Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Haider, were killed by the security forces. The identity of other terrorist is yet to be ascertained.

A day after five security forces personnel were martyred in a terror encounter, 3 CRPF personnel martyred as terrorists attack patrol party in Handwara

A day after five security forces personnel were martyred while rescuing hostages from two terrorists, terrorists attacked a CRPF patrol party in Handwara earlier today. An hour back, a CRPF patrol party was attacked by terrorists in Qaziabad and the area was cordoned off. One of the terrorists was neutralised some time back as per reports.

As reported by news agency ANI, 3 CRPF personnel are martyred while 7 have been injured. Following the attack, a search operation was launched by security forces in Wangam, Kralgund of Handwara in North Kashmir after the attack.

A CISF Patrol Party was also attacked by terrorists in Wagoora Nowgam area on the outskirts of Srinagar city.

More details regarding the attack are awaited.

Handwara encounter

On 2nd May 2020, at around 3:30 PM, an encounter started between the Forces and terrorists in Chanjumullah area of Handwara in Kupwara, North Kashmir. Towards evening, reports started pouring in that two senior Army personnel including a Colonel-rank officer and a Major were trapped in a house with two Pakistani terrorists. The senior officers soon lost contact with the team.

As per reports, when no radio contact could be established with the team, the unit called Colonel Sharma’s mobile phone. The call was answered by a terrorist who responded with an ‘Assalamalaikum’.

Two terrorists, including top Pakistani Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Haider were killed by the security forces. The identify of other terrorist is yet to be ascertained.

Maharashtra: Police begins manhunt for 4 absconding coronavirus patients from Nanded Gurudwara

A search has been launched in the Nanded district of Maharashtra to determine the whereabouts of four people who are reportedly absconding after testing positive for the novel coronavirus, officials said on Monday.

According to the reports, the missing persons belong to a batch of 20 from Langar Sahib, part of the Takht Hazur Sahib Sachkhand Gurudwara who had tested positive for the coronavirus. All the four are residents of Nanded district.

“Out of the 20, 16 were traced by Saturday evening. However, we are still on the lookout for the remaining four, all of whom are Nanded residents. The 20 tested positive after swabs of 97 staying in the Langar Sahib were sent for testing between April 30 and May 1. However, by the time the reports came in, the 20 had moved,” a police official said.

Hazur Sahib Gurudwara closed after 197 people tested positive for coronavirus

A group of Sikh pilgrims who had travelled from Punjab to pay their obeisance found themselves cooped up in the Hazur Sahib Gurudwara in Nanded after PM Modi enforced a nationwide lockdown from March 25 in view of the coronavirus outbreak in the country. Nearly 3,500 Sikh pilgrims who visited the hallowed Gurudwara and were stranded there since March 25 have returned after seeking approval from the Union government. hey started returning to Punjab from April 22. However, many of those who returned were tested positive for the infection later, prompting the authorities to take sweeping actions to contain the spread.

Local enforcement authorities on Friday last week sealed off the Hazur Sahib Gurudwara, hours before Punjab reported that 91 more people who returned from the shrine in Maharashtra tested positive for coronavirus. About 197 of the 3,500 returned from the Maharashtra Gurudwara, one of the holiest sites in Sikhism, have been tested positive for the COVID-19. Gurdwara Langar Sahib, within the same premises, which serves food to all visitors, has also been closed, officials said in Nanded.

Jamia Millia Islamia asks stranded students to vacate hostel amidst Coronavirus lockdown

On Friday, in an official note, the administration of the Jamia Millia Islamia had asked the students to vacate the hostel premises. Several students who could no go home, amidst the Coronavirus lockdown, stayed back at their hostels.

Given that the Union Government in coordination with other State Governments is now facilitating the return of such stranded students to their hometowns, the Jamia administration has asked such students to vacate with “no exceptions.”

Official order

In its official circular, the administration also noted that the areas adjoining the University have been declared a Coronavirus containment zone and as such movement of people is thereby restricted. Jamia Millia Islamia administration stated that as per the state government protocols, the students must vacate their hostel.

It has, therefore, become difficult for Jamia Millia Islamia University to provide logistical support to such students or fulfill manpower requirements, the order said. In its justification, the administration cited the need for sanitisation, and maintenance of its hostel premises for providing quarantine facilities.

The university shall reopen in August 2020 and new academic session will resume from September 2020.

Home Ministry allows stranded students to return home

Further relaxing the nationwide lockdown, the Union Home Ministry on April 29 allowed the states to facilitate the movement of people stranded in various states, including migrant labourers. This move will allow students, migrant workers, tourists etc to go to their homes from their current locations.

The Centre has asked the states and union territories to designate nodal authorities and develop standard protocols for sending and receiving such persons. On May 1, the Ministry of Home Affairs announced that the migration will be allowed through special trains to be operated by Railway Ministry.

Coronavirus outbreak: No fresh cases in Kerala for two days in a row, active cases down to 34

The coronavirus pandemic in Kerala appears to be on the wane as the state reported no new positive cases of COVID-19 for two days on the trot. On Sunday too, there had been no fresh cases of coronavirus registered in the state which was once considered a hotbed of infections.

In his press briefing on Monday, Kerala chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan declared that his state has not reported any new positive COVID-19 case today. He also added that the total number of infected people in Kerala is 499 while those recovered stands at 462. There are 34 active cases in the state and so far 3 people have died from the COVID-19.

As of Monday, 21,724 people in the state were kept under observation, out of which 388 were in isolation wards of various hospitals. The state had recently added 4 more regions in the list of hotspots, taking the total tally to 84. Out of 33,010 samples tested in Kerala, 32,315 have turned out negative.

5th day of no new infection reported in Kerala

From once being a breeding ground of the deadly coronavirus, Kerala made a dramatic turnaround and blunted the spread of the contagion which appeared to surge at an alarming rate. In all, May 4 became the 5th day when no new infection was reported. Before May 3 and 4, the state had not registered a single new infection on May 1, 2020. However, the following day, i.e May 2, Saturday, one person tested positive for the disease. Earlier, it was on March 17 and March 18 that no fresh cases were reported from the South Indian state.

Coronavirus: India okays trials for Remdesivir which was previously used for Ebola, procures 1,000 dosage

On Monday, Union Health Minister Dr Harshvardhan had informed that India has received 1000 doses of Remdesivir, an antiviral drug manufactured by Pharma giant Gilead, to be tested on Coronavirus patients as a part of the solidarity trails of the World Health Organisation, reported News 18.

He said, “It’s an important subject that is being discussed at the highest level in the government. Scientists at ICMR and CSIR are also deliberating upon this issue.” Dr. Harsh Vardhan added that India is in a position to carry out trials in some states of India. The drug trials have delivered encouraging results on patients who need advanced care and have helped in quickening recovery.

It is important to mention that Remdesivir has been approved by the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for use in cases of critically ill Coronavirus patients. After conducting randomised trials on 1,063 patients, it was found to have a 31% faster recovery rate than the placebo.

Remdesivir trials

Remdesivir is a drug manufactured in 2014 by a US based biotechnology firm Gilead Sciences as a cure for Ebola. Since then, it has been used to treat MERS and SERS, both of which are caused by the coronavirus strains. However, it did not have a great success back then. The firm is currently researching whether the same can work as a cure for COVID-19.

Initial trials have found that the mortality rate of those patients who were administered Remdesivir had a lower mortality rate of 8% as against 11.6%. The recovery time has also improved from 15 days to 11 days for some patients.

Gilead, the company which has manufactured the drug, has donated 1.5 million vials of the drug to the US government. It amounts to about 1 lakh to 2 lakh treatment courses. The company plans to produce a million treatment courses by the end of the year.

Coronavirus in India

As per Ministry of Health and Family Welfare official data, there are 42,836 total coronavirus positive cases in India as of 4 May, 2020. Of these, 11,762 have recovered while 1,389 have lost their lives to the virus.

Only Kerala, Rajasthan and Maharashtra governments made the migrant workers pay for the railway tickets: Reports

Amidst the raging controversy that Railways is charging stranded migrant workers for the tickets, government sources on Monday clarified that the Railways is only dealing with the state government and not charging anything from the passengers.

According to multiple reports, while most state governments have paid for the travel of migrant workers from the state exchequer, Kerala, Rajasthan and Maharashtra remain the only three states to have charged the migrant workers for their travel back to their native place.

As per PTI, Maharashtra state minister Nitin Raut has written a letter to Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray urging him to bear the travel cost of migrants leaving the state. He also wrote to Railway Minister Piyush Goyal on Sunday, requesting that the railways bear the cost of transportation of migrants from the state.

In addition to this, a report by Times Now claims that besides Maharashtra, Kerala and Rajasthan have also asked the migrants to pay for the railway tickets.

It is pertinent to note that in two of three states- Kerala, Maharashtra and Rajasthan, Congress is in the government. Rajasthan is ruled by the Congress party while Maharashtra is presided over by the Maha Vikas Aghadi government-a coalition of Shiv Sena, NCP and the Congress party. Earlier today, it was the Congress party which promised to bear the cost of the railway tickets of the migrant workers while its own state governments are found guilty of charging railways fares from the migrants.

Congress promises to bear the non-existent cost of railways tickets even as Railways denies rumours of travel fare to be paid by migrants

A controversy erupted on Monday after several opposition parties, most notably Congress, stoked the unfounded rumours that the railways is charging migrant workers for the tickets. In fact, interim Congress President Sonia Gandhi even declared that her party will be bearing the non-existent cost of the railway tickets of the migrants. Railways had issued a clarification that it is not charging any money from the migrants.

The rumour regarding the central government levying charges on the migrant workers was based on a fallacious report published in ‘The Hindu’ that said railways is charging extra money from stranded migrants to travel in special trains. After the confusion seeded by The Hindu’s report gained traction, senior ministry officials clarified that the passengers will not be paying for the tickets. “As these are not regular trains, but special trains which will run on the request of state government, there is no provision to buy tickets for those trains. The respective state governments will book the trains by making the payment as charged by the Indian Railways, and the passengers do not have to pay anything,” one of the officials said.

However, Congress leaders took advantage of the confusion to score political brownie points. Several of the Congress leaders today took to Twitter to claim that since the government is charging money for the railway fare of the stranded migrants going back home on Shramik Special trains, the party will chip in and bear the expenses for the same. This offer to pay for the migrants’ fare came two days after the Railway Ministry had clarified that the state and central governments are facilitating the movement of migrants through Shramik Special trains.