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HomeMediaAmid coronavirus lockdown, molestation accused 'journalist' Vinod Dua warns about 'civil disobedience', compares police...

Amid coronavirus lockdown, molestation accused ‘journalist’ Vinod Dua warns about ‘civil disobedience’, compares police to ‘Jallad’

At a time like this, when journalists and influencers should be dutybound to educate masses about the merits of staying home and the seriousness of the pandemic, Vinod Dua engages in fearmongering about the lockdown.

To contain the spread of the virulent Wuhan coronavirus, the government has taken a tough decision of putting the country under complete 21-day lockdown. Researchers are trying their best to come up with vaccines and treatments for the virus, but until then extreme social distancing is pretty much the only intervention available to help individuals stay healthy, and to break the chain of transmission.

The government, police and security personnel have been doing everything possible to keep people indoors. At a time like this, when journalists and influencers should be dutybound to educate masses about the merits of staying home and the seriousness of the pandemic, media person, accused of sexual harassment and stalking, Vinod Dua, through his show titled The Vinod Dua Show on HW News, is almost inciting people to take to the streets.

In episode 253 of the program, the veteran journalist says that though Coronavirus is a ‘social emergency’, the ‘real’ social emergency would be if people start defying lockdown. He incites viewers by casting aspersions on the government and police personnel who have been in the forefront fighting the pandemic. While on one hand, Vinod Dua rebukes the police by calling them ‘Jallad’- brutal and ruthless, on the other hand, he accuses the Modi government of being insensitive towards the masses.

However, it is beyond a normal persons’ intellect, that how stopping people from violating rules, in turn saving them from the pandemic makes police brutal and ruthless and how a tough decision taken, to save millions of lives, makes the government insensitive. This only a cynical misanthrope like Vinod Dua could explain.

And this is why, perhaps in a situation like this, when the masses are extremely vulnerable and sensitive, Dua attempts to instigate public by accusing Prime Minister Modi of giving them merely four hours before the announcement of the lockdown to prepare themselves for the same. He says that the Prime Minister announced at 8 pm that the lockdown would begin at 12 midnight giving barely 4 hours for the public to prepare, which led to panic, Dua says.

Invoking the demonetisation decision taken by the centre in 2016, a hot topic which the leftist and opposition have thrived on for years, he said that there are two things, implosion and explosion. Implosion, he says, is what happened at the time of demonetisation, when people slowly stopped following rules and regulations set by the government. And, now, during the lockdown, if people are deprived of food, medicines, basic amenities there would be an explosion, exhorts Dua in his video.

Read: Mumbai lockdown: Speeding biker drags on-duty policeman posted at a checkpoint, one Sheikh Naeem arrested

Apart from this, at the beginning of his latest video (Episode 261), he says that civil disobedience could break out if the lockdown continues. In a veiled instigation, he says that the masses could reject the lockdown and take to streets because lockdown is not enough to fight the coronavirus. He asks people how long can they sustain on staples provided by NGOs and the government? He says people could reject this and get out of their homes defying the government imposed lockdown.

Moreover, Vinod Dua shamelessly fearmongers in the name of unemployment during this time of crisis. He also chides whatever the government is doing in terms of providing relief packages, schemes which are being put in place for essentials like food, healthcare and income support, the social welfare policies for households, the financial policies are not enough and all the other efforts being put in by various voluntary organisations to help people at the time of this global crisis. He incites by saying that whatever they are doing is not sufficient.

It’s appalling that a veteran journalist like Vinod Dua cannot for once keep his hate for Modi aside and speak judiciously and sensitively, especially at the time when the entire country is battling with a global concern as poignant and disturbing as this one. But for such paid leftist stooges no time is inappropriate to spread filth against Modi and his government.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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