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As Islamists run riots and take pride in violence against Hindus, elite Indian Muslims in India play the victim

Sensationalism drives the economy of the Indian Left, whereas intellectualisation of the Jihadi mindset thrives under it. Under the veil of secularism, a section of entitled Muslim commentators has gone from being hardcore enablers of Islamists to rabid footsoldiers of Islamism.

“How can Hindus play a victim in a country where they are in a majority?” the ignorant comeback often paints a sordid picture of the tragedies the Hindus go through if at all they gather the courage to talk about it. The Hindus, devoid of the ‘national’ consciousness of existing as a civilization over millennia have been left as ‘global’ victims of hate, Islamic terrorism, liberal fundamentalism and leftist radicalisation today.

The Hindu exercises in self-assertion are vilified – be it the ‘communal’ saffron shawls against Burqas, which can be in turn be normalised as essential religious practices. But when the society opens itself for a greater discussion on the allowance of the Hijab, it is the Hindutva activist Harsha who is hacked to death in Shimmogga.

While the Hindus have been robbed of their right to self-identity, it turns out, they do not have the agency to be victims as well. At a time when Hindu festivals are terrorised with instances of stone-pelting, targeting and gun firing across the country, The Wire journalist Arfa Khanum Sherwani was apparently not able to ‘Breathe’. Was Arfa Suffocated inside the echo chamber of lies and propaganda aimed at the vilification of Hindus? Turns out, No! She found an opportunity to shove her victim card as a ‘Muslim’ when it was the Hindu community who was being crushed in the communal cauldron for celebrating its festivals.

Tweet by Wire Journalist Arfa Khanum Sherwani which was later deleted possibly due to a typo

In Jahangirpuri of Delhi, stones were pelted at a Hanuman Jayanti Shobhayatra on Saturday night after the procession supposedly passed through a ‘Muslim area’. Just the sight of the ‘Kafir’ Hindus evoking salutations to their ‘demi-god’ was so atrocious, that the severe neurological instinct to pick up the closest stone and throw it onto the lesser civilized heathens was charged in some. But it was now time for Sherwani to sit inside her ‘The Wire’ office at Gole Market in central Delhi to do her part.

The room was lit, with books stuffed in every corner possible. Arfa Khanum Sherwani, dressed in her richly pressed fab India cotton saree sat on a chair with a folded leg in poise. The camera rolled as ‘eminent historian’ Ramchandra Guha, in another room full of books, appeared on the window next to Arfa. The Wire went live with the two discussing how the ‘Saffron shade of Hindutva is communalizing the merely existing secular fabric of the nation after independence.’ Stripping off the context, Khanum stressed upon Saffron flags being attached atop the mosques to the economic boycott of the Muslims. The Islamist perpetrators were to be whitewashed, whereas the Hindu reactionary response was to be slagged as communal.

At the same time, the repeated instances of stone-pelting on Hindu processions were to be sophisticatedly wrapped as just another instance of ‘communal tension’ fulled by the Hindu extremists who dared to enter a Muslim-majority area.

The hegemony in mainstream media was not enough that the agenda peddlers have found a new window on social media to set their narrative against the Hindus. The thumb rules remain the same – one community has the right to be omnipresent victims as far as the Indian state thrives. At the same time, the Hindu victims of hate are to be either sidelined as normal law-and-order cases or are to be trampled under the kosher narrative of indefinite Muslim victimhood whatsoever.

“This Ramzan has been a testing time for the 220 million Indian Muslims,” tweeted Rana Ayyub who is determined to repeat her lie of ‘Muslim persecution in India’ until it is accepted in the post-truth world. Ayyub, who must be willfully incognizant of the story of Ramzan must hear this – that in the run-up to the holy month, the open calls of ‘Azaadi’ and ‘Allahu Akbar’ (There is no greater god than Allah) were given against the Hindus and Indian state by terrorists. The month kicked off with rising Jihadi tensions in Kashmir rising in the cases of killings and attacks on Hindu temples.

The stone-pelting attacks in Kashmir which are normalised as ‘acts of Azaadi’ by many commentators, snowballed as a pattern that followed all over the subcontinent. Stones, gun shells, and bottles were fired by Muslim mobs at Hindu processions taken out on Ram Navami and Hanuman Jayanti from Jahangirpuri in Delhi to Khargone in Madhya Pradesh to Kurnool in Andhra. Yet, Ayyub finds it as a case of violent persecution of Muslims in India. Radio Jockey Sayema found it pertinent to blame the violence on Hindus on the ‘Dharam Sansads’ instead.

Sensationalism drives the economy of the Indian Left, whereas intellectualisation of the Jihadi mindset thrives under it. Under the veil of secularism, a section of entitled Muslim commentators has gone from being hardcore enablers of Islamists to rabid footsoldiers of Islamism. An extremist Jihadi on a faraway street had a stone in one hand, while the agenda drivers have now bestowed upon him a victim card in his other hand. In times of Hindu calamity, the propagandists have found a space for Muslim victimhood.

Gone are the days when Hinduphobia was a Twitter trend, the times have changed to what we see as pure, blatant Hindu hatred holding the country under its toes. Meanwhile, the omnipresence of the Muslim victimhood looks as immortal as Hanuman, a deity who symbolised resistance and resolution of Hindus to stand up against hate amidst the communal chaos directed at them.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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